EPRA Virtual Real Estate Digest Series - no 1

12.00 - 13.30 pm CET

EPRA is pleased to confirm the first Real Estate Digest (RED) event in 2022. Join us for an opportunity to hear from leading European-listed real estate companies.

Participant companies

Catena: Jörgen Eriksson (CEO), Sofie Bennsten (CFO)

Platzer: PG Persson (CEO), Fredrik Sjudin (CFO)

SBB: Ilija Batljan (CEO), Oscar Lekander (Business Development Manager)


Barclays: Paul May (Co-Head Real Estate Equity Research)


What is a  RED event?
Our RED events are short and informal gatherings, lasting up to two hours (when in person), focused on a given real estate theme. An equity analyst or portfolio manager introduces the topic, followed by 3  companies that briefly present and then participate in a panel discussion. The event's purpose is to deepen the understanding of a given real estate sector or subject. A Q&A session is usually available after the presentations, followed by networking (when in person). EPRA currently organises several RED events throughout the year.


March 30


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