EPRA & WorldGBC Webinar: Implementing EU Taxonomy across the European built environment

12 October, 9.00-10.00 AM BST/ 10.00-11.00 AM CET 
LIVE Webinar on Zoom
Do you want to hear more about how our industry deals with the implementation of the EU Taxonomy? Join our webinar! 

EPRA and WorldGBC (World Green Building Council) have partnered to discuss how we can help align national efforts to comply with EU Taxonomy - a major piece of EU legislation defining climate-friendly activities. 

During the event, we will explore the key opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the EU Taxonomy and shed light on the national requirements needed to comply with it.

We will also present and discuss the result of the partnership. This includes a catalog of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requirements in the EU Taxonomy, plus three factsheets we have produced with a focus on:
  • Nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB definitions)
  • Definition of a ''major renovation''
  • National Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) methodologies
Kindly note this event is free of charge for you to participate in.
Make sure you register and you will then shortly receive a confirmation e-mail, including a link to join on the day as well as the option to save it to your calendar.
October 12
Virtual - on ZOOM


EPRA webinar partner: 


  Structure of the webinar:
  • Opening and welcome - Stephen Richardson, Director Europe, WorldGBC  
  • Why WorldGBC and EPRA have partnered Tobias Steinmann, Director Public Affairs, EPRA
  • Catalogue of EPBD requirements in the EU Taxonomy Julie Emmrich, Sustainable Finance Lead, WorldGBC
  • Panel discussion - moderated by Julie Emmrich, touching on:
    • Observed challenges with the EU Taxonomy in the built environment
    • What is the topic/ exercise that you mainly work on to facilitate the EU Taxonomy in the built environment?
    • What further steps are needed to ensure that the EU Taxonomy is effectively implemented by industry and finance sectors? 
  • Q&A
  • Closing remarks