The IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) is the independent standard-setting body of the IFRS Foundation.
All meetings of the IASB are held in public and are webcasted. In fulfilling its standard-setting duties the IASB follows a thorough, open and transparent due process of which the publication of consultative documents, such as Discussion Papers and Exposure Drafts, for public comment is an important component.
The IASB engages closely with stakeholders around the world, including investors, analysts, regulators, business leaders, accounting standard-setters and the accountancy profession.
Below you will find the latest documents relevant to IASB's activities that are connected to the listed real estate sector.
Download latest reports
IFRS 16 - Leases
IFRS 15 - Revenue from contracts with customers
REESA submission to IASB; 2015 Agenda Consultation
EPRA submission - Lease accounting