Industry Confidential/Members Only

EPRA LTV Rollout

Companies will be reporting the EPRA LTV for financial year starting January 2022. On the 22nd  of September, EPRA and BDO organized a Webinar on the recently launched EPRA LTV. It was the 5th and last Webinar of this series that regrouped a total of 91 attendees. Please find here our LTV FAQ. For any questions please reach out to us at randa@epra.com

Deloitte Survey Report
The results of the survey report have been released during EPRA’s annual conference, on the 6th of September 2022. This year, 97 companies received a Gold Award (2021: 89), 20 received a Silver Award (2021: 28) and 9 received a Bronze Award (2021: 8). Taken together, the award winners represent a 77 percent share of the market capitalization of the EPRA membership. Additionally, a total of 6 EPRA Most Improved Awards have been granted to companies that succeeded in increasing their score by 30 percentage points and receiving an award in a higher category than the previous year. The BPR Feedback reports will be provided by the end of October 2022. Discover the report here.

BPR Q&A Update
End of August 2022, the EPRA BPR Q&A document has been updated. The last edition of December 2020 included 121 questions from our members and their respective answers. 48 questions have been added to the new version which include requests on specific adjustments that were not addressed before including a brand new section on the EPRA LTV. Please click on the following link.

Reporting & Accounting Committee 

On the 6th of September 2022, the last Reporting & Accounting Committee Meeting has been held during EPRA’s annual conference, in Paris. The following items have been discussed as part of the agenda: EPRA LTV and some adjustments needed clarification, potential update on the EPRA Earnings, the BPR Survey Report results, Primary financial statements project, EU Taxonomy and other ESG Reporting Frameworks. Next Committee Meeting is planned for April 2023.
Reporting & Accounting Team:
Hassan Sabir, Baris Sari
E randa@epra.com
T +32 (0)2 739 1010

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T +32 (0)2 739 1010 Â· F +32 (0)2 739 1020

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