sBPR Awards

The EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Recommendations (sBPR) are intended to raise the standards and consistency of sustainability reporting for listed real estate companies across Europe. As with the EPRA financial BPR Awards, each year EPRA recognises companies which have issued the best-in-class annual sustainability performance report. Based on adherence to the EPRA sBPR in their public disclosure, companies are identified for Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards. The Award winners are announced each year at EPRA’s Conference.

Beyond recognising outstanding companies, the Awards also aim at raising awareness of and encouraging the uptake of the EPRA sBPR and guidelines. The growing number of companies reporting sustainability data and winning Awards for compliance with the EPRA sBPR reflects EPRA’s success in achieving these goals.

2023 EPRA sBPR Awards report

Awards methodology

Each year, eligible companies are assessed based on their public disclosure against the following two areas of the EPRA sBPR guidelines: sBPR Performance Measures, covering environmental, social and corporate impacts and sBPR Overarching Recommendations, consisting of 10 principles which underpin good quality disclosure and should be applied when reporting EPRA’s sBPR Performance Measures.

Check the Assessment Methodology for the EPRA sBPR Awards document to learn more about the scoring methodology and the assessment procedure.

Check the previous 2017 version of the Awards Methodology here.

Download the 2018 Awards methodology

Download supporting documents

2022 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2021 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2020 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2019 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2018 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2017 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2016 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2015 EPRA sBPR Award Report

2014 EPRA sBPR Award Report